In this section, we would like to answer the most frequently asked questions regarding the Gymi preparation:

Why should I choose the AHA Gymi preparation?

We have been offering Gymi preparation for the last 17 years and have thus acquired considerable know-how. Moreover, we teach in small groups with a maximum of six students, as we greatly value personal support. Our teaching material has been optimised over the years and contains various learning materials (theoretical basics, exercise collections, exam sequences including solutions and example exercises). Of course, it is always possible for students to solve additional exercises online.

For which set of modules, for which course should I register my child?

The modular course structure allows you to individually adapt the program to the needs of your child. In case your child needs essential support and many exercise possibilities, the "Premium" or "Classic" courses are a good option. If your child is well prepared regarding the basics, a "Light" course is recommendable. For children only needing the finishing touch before the entrance exam, they will be in good hands in one of our popular AHA intensive weeks during the sports holidays.

Important: It is possible to book all modules also individually. Due to our experience, AHA-Nachhilfe however suggests a certain set of modules as course (Premium, Classic, Light).

Is it possible to additionally book certain modules at a later stage?

Of course. It is for example possible to book the "Classic" module and then, if desired, additionally book the second exam simulation or an intensive week at a later stage, although they are not part of the "Classic" package.

Who are the teachers at the Gymi preparation?

At AHA-Nachhilfe, Gymi preparation courses are held by experienced teachers. Of whom we have a lot! Primarily, we rely on students from the university of teacher education (PH).

As experience cannot be bought, we also integrate young talents as teachers for our Gymi preparation courses. These teachers are properly instructed by the management team with regard to realising the AHA standard in lessons and using the specifically prepared teaching materials.

How high is the success rate at AHA?

This question cannot be easily answered with a simple number but needs some further explanation. First, we do not demand entry tests in order to offer every child the possibility to attend a Gymi preparation course. Secondly, we do not receive feedback of all participants whether they have passed the Gymi entrance exam or not. Over the years it can however be said that our success rate is around 75-80%. Moreover, we ask our students to rate our courses at the end and the main grades we receive (also from students who did not pass the entry exam) are located between 5 and 6. We are very satisfied with these results and feel honoured to work with many happy customers.

How often and in which way do parents receive feedback?

During an entire course, parents receive four times comprehensive written feedback: after the first basic module, after the performance determination and after both exam simulations.

It is, of course, always possible to receive verbal feedback of the teachers. Also, our office is always happy to answer your questions.

How much homework needs to be done for a Gymi course?

This question cannot be answered with a simple number per week as every student is different. It can however be said that for the Gymi course a certain amount of work needs to be done at home. This can for example be essays that need to be written during the AHA Gymi preparation.

During this highly educationally and intellectually demanding phase, it is important for students to have a balance in another area such as music or sports. We therefore recommend continuing to play musical instrument or soccer and not solely focus on the Gymi preparation.

What about essay writing?

During the Primar and Sek courses, essay writing is an essential part of the basic modules. The students are taught how to efficiently structure a text, their vocabulary will be enriched, and their spelling will be perfected. Students will write essays that will then be corrected and discussed with the course teacher. Essay writing will also be emphasised in the following course modules in which they will regularly write essays as homework.

We at AHA-Nachhilfe are not able to "breed" writers, but we are able to offer your child the basic framework in order to write appealing essays. We would like to disclose an open secret: The best training for enriching your personal vocabulary is reading, reading, and reading.

What happens when quitting the AHA Gymi preparation?

We try to solve such cases unbureaucratically as quitting a course usually has plausible reasons. Often students realise that the demands or performance scope is too high. We then charge the course days attended up to this day plus CHF 50.- for the administrative effort.