In this section, we would like to answer the most frequently asked questions regarding tutoring and our services:

Why should I choose AHA-Nachhilfe?

AHA-Nachhilfe exists for almost 18 years now. In this time, we were able to gain considerable know-how in order to support our students in the best possible way. Due to our size and experience, we are able to meet our customer requirements flexibly and spontaneously and cover all subjects for every school level.

Our office is open daily and you will thus receive a competent answer to your questions and wishes shortly.

Who teaches at AHA-Nachhilfe?

The majority of our teachers are students. We gladly rely on students from the university of teacher education (PH) who are able to gain valuable experience for their careers as teachers in a school.

Additionally, students from the ETH, the university and high school (Gymnasium) students in their Matura year support our tutoring studios every week with their skills.

We are convinced that young people like to learn from other young people. Our experience and success prove us right.

How often do students attend tutoring lessons?

Usually, students attend tutoring lessons once a week. In accordance with their curriculum, they book thier lessons - preferably on a day when their school curriculum contains rather easy subjects for them.

It is however also possible to attend tutoring lessons multiple times a week. The customer is king and so far, we were always able to meet their wishes.

How does the payment work?

You will receive a bill with a payment slip at the end of every month by mail. Enclosed you will find a list with all attended tutoring lessons.

Do I need a subscription?

No. Every customer decides himself/herself when he/she wants to start or stop tutoring lessons. No subscription is needed at AHA-Nachhilfe.

Do I need to pay for not attended lessons?

This depends on whether you have cancelled the lesson correctly.

We accept a cancellation up to the evening before the lesson until 5 p.m. In case of illness, an afternoon lesson can be cancelled on the same day until 10 a.m. latest. If the lesson is cancelled after that we have to charge the full price.

Morning lessons need to be cancelled on the day before the lesson until 5 p.m. latest.

Does AHA-Nachhilfe also offer learning coaching?

We believe that a certain degree of coaching needs to be part of every tutoring lesson. Therefore, we do not offer specific coaching lessons, but rather try to integrate coaching into our regular tutoring lessons.